Medicare and Medicaid Requirements are clear, especially concerning sanctions and exclusions.  

Don't put your business at risk of incurring fines and penalties for failure to comply.

Kinney Services, Inc. has been an innovator and leader in Exclusion checking for over a decade. We can help!

Automatic Monthly Screenings

Screenings on your uploaded data are run every month. We alert you when your results are ready to be viewed. 

All Available State Databases at No Extra Charge

We don't charge you extra for the data you need to properly screen your employees and vendors

Checking by Name and National Provider Identifier

We search using a number of criteria in order to maximize your results without being overwhelming

Full Audit Trail Reporting

Want to check on a monthly match from two years ago?  No problem with Kchecks full, flexible reporting capabilities.

  • Email Notifications are sent each time a monthly match of your monitored entities is completed.
  • Optional Death Master File lookups allow you to check a social security number against the death master file (required in some industries, a great idea in all). 
  • A Full Audit Trail Report is always available and fully customizable.  You can produce an exportable report on a single entity, all entities, match types and dates.  
  • Our Historical Database provides a detailed timeline of entity matches.
  • Securely Upload Business Entities using 2048 bit SSL Security. 
  • Unsurpassed Data Security Your uploaded data is secure. We're serious about securing and protecting your valuable information. 
  • Incredibly Economical checking all of your employees by name and NPI on a monthly basis would mean additional hiring.  We can save you thousands. 

Kchecks Statistics (so far)

Statistics compiled as of Saturday, March 1 2025


Searchable Exclusions


Client Records Uploaded


Screenings and Counting

Kinney Services, Inc.


125 Wolf Road, Suite 226
Albany, NY 12205

+1 518.371.0176